We Help Business Owners Improve and Accelerate the Value of Their Businesses. Then We Sell Them.

Did you know that 80% of businesses fail to sell or transfer? Beat the odds.

Your business is your biggest asset

Our value acceleration and sales process consists of six strategic stages:

  1. Business Valuation: We start by thoroughly assessing your business’s current value, providing you with a clear understanding of its worth today.

  2. Potential Value Evaluation: We then highlight your business’s potential worth if it operated at a best-in-class level, showing you the gap and the opportunity for growth.

  3. Strategic Planning: Together, we develop a customized plan to bridge the gap between current and potential value, focusing on key areas for improvement.

  4. Implementation Support: We work closely with you to implement the strategic plan, offering guidance and support every step of the way to help you achieve your business’s full potential.

  5. Pre-Sale Preparation: If you decide to sell, we prepare your business for the market, ensuring it is presented in the best possible light to attract buyers.

  6. Sales Execution: We manage the entire sales process, from marketing your business to negotiating terms, ensuring it is sold quickly, with minimal stress, and at the highest possible price.


Know the value of your business and how to protect it


Accelerate the value of your business


Unlock the value you created


Business Value Consulting

—Maximize The Value of Your Business—

As a business owner, you work hard to achieve success. But have you considered how much your business is actually worth?

By taking steps to make your business more attractive to potential buyers, you can maximize its value and ensure you're not leaving any money on the table. Let us help you get your business ready for sale and achieve the best possible outcome.

M&A Services

— Sell Your Business —

When you're ready to take that big step and sell your business, you deserve a partner who understands the market, has years of experience, and is committed to guiding you through the complex world of mergers and acquisitions. That's where we come in. Our comprehensive plan for attracting and selecting the right buyers will guarantee the best possible outcome for you. Our team will be with you every step of the way, providing expert advice and support to help you make informed decisions and achieve your goals.

“Take the money and run.”

– Our clients accountant after hearing the details of the offer we negotiated

Contact Us

To book a free, no-obligation 15-minute discovery call, email us at office@businessvertical.ca or use the form below.